Thursday, July 31, 2008

Home, Hair and HELLo August

August is here. Well, in a little over an hour. Hard to believe. Camden is gearing up for football season - ready to cheer on the Longhorns with his big sister! He'll be 9 months old tomorrow!

Home - I forgot to mention that our house was written all over. Some kid wrote on our sidewalk, windows and garage door. How nice. Thankfully Keven was able to clean most of it and paint the garage door. They also wrote on the hood of our neighbor's car and on a house around the corner - including on their siding. Sheesh!!

Hair - I chopped my hair off. Not entirely on purpose. I did want to cut it and wanted to cut enough to donate to Locks of Love...but the lady went even shorter than that! I feel really weird without it. My face is too round and pudgy for short hair. At least it grows pretty quickly and will go to a good cause. I was hoping it would help my headaches, but no so luck yet.

HELLo August...because August is not one of my favorite months. Never has been. Probably never will be. For one it's just way to HOT!! And if you want to go back really far - we moved from Kentucky to Texas in August. I am thankful for the move now, but back then, in 4th grade, it was the worst thing ever!! August means school is starting up, so back to work. And of course Grace's Angel Day. we shall start August. It does start off well though..Camden turns 9 months, our new washer/dryer are being delievered Friday, one of my best friends is having her 2nd little boy on Tuesday, we get to go to a birthday party for another friend we haven't seen in a long time and then another friend will be having her 1st born towards the end of the month. So we will try and focus on the positive and not on the August part.

Just a funny picture of my boy. He's such a
good eater - can't imagine where he gets it from ;)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cruising through July

The summer is just flying by. Camden is almost walking. It's crazy. One day he figures out how to pull up and the next day you can't stop him. He is progressing so quickly now. He has learned to pull up - and along with that how to fall down. We have had our first bloody lip but we all survived it. He likes to hold your hands and walk but hasn't been brave enough to let go yet. I expect it any day though. He is so ready to take off. He has become very good at crawling and half the time puts a foot down like he's just going to stand up and start walking instead. One of his favorite games is to push/toss balls around and crawl after them. Of course he'll use whatever he has as he demonstrated at the store the other day as he dug in the diaper bag, found a diaper and started shoving it around the floor. :) He doesn't like to nap much because there is so much to see and do. So, sometimes he just plays until he passes out. I literally put him down 2 times for a nap, he would not sleep, so I took him out, set him in the middle of the living room can see what happened. :) He is still spitting up non stop but has his 9 month check up next week so we shall see then.

I am doing well. I had a small section on the back
of my shoulder removed yesterday so that's a bit sore but ok. My anatomy class is almost done - 2 more weeks, only 1 test left. I have been debating whether to stay at ACC and get my ADN or to attend UT and get a Masters with an RN. I keep going back and forth on it but don't need a decision right now.
Keven's last class is Thursday. Then he will have officially completed his first MBA class. He is signed up for 2 more this fall. He has been running more and more and enjoying 5Ks. Our latest one was the Bat Run and we watched the bats from the Congress bridge afterwards. His next run will be The Human Race which is a 10K. He has really been impressing me!
Grace has been on my mind a lot lately as her 2 year Angel Day is coming up. But, I've been keeping her busy with all my friends that are pregnant - I've asked her to help watch over them all. :) Camden smiles at her pictures and I know she loves him dearly.
Hope everyone is doing well and staying somewhat cool!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wellp...we're making it through July. Camden was all decked out for the 4th of July festivities. I was a bum though so we didn't do much. Next year we plan to make a day of it and I will try not to be a bum. Look how big he is sitting in his chair his Jammy gave him.

I had my stitches removed this week. Nice to have them out. Weird to still not be able to turn my neck all the way like I used to. I mean it makes sense because they took a chunk of skin out and pulled it together. Of course it's not going to turn as easily. Just weird. It's sensitive but doesn't really hurt - except if Camden accidentally hits it. I go back at the end of the month to have the section on my back removed and to check any others out.

My anatomy class was going well up to this week. I have been working really hard and maintaining an A. Unfortunately I have a test tomorrow that I am not at all prepared for. Only myself to blame. I've just been in such a funk lately...can't seem to get out of it. Oh well...hopefully I'll do ok on the test...we'll see.

Keven's class is going well. He is also maintaining an A. He is as good at procrastinating as I am. :) But he pulls it off. This weekend we are going to attempt another 5K. I don't think I've walked any since the last one...someday...someday...

Not much else going on here. Camden is doing great. He's really crawling well now. He's just going to be an army crawler. He's good at it! He wants to walk. He finally got the whole idea of putting one foot in front of the other. He likes to stand and try and walk and to see everything that is going on. He hasn't pulled himself up yet, but he has gotten from a crawling position to a sitting position. He's so amazing!! Of course with a big sister like he has what else would he be. :) Enjoy his walking video below.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

July already?!

I can not believe it is already July. Camden is 8 months old today! We practiced cake eating to get ready for his big 1st birthday. He stuck his hand right in the cake...and then right in his hair. He did that several times - as if trying to use the icing as gel. He's really starting to get around. He still isn't in a complete crawl yet but he's fast for his tummy crawl. And he loves to stand up. He isn't pulling up yet but likes to hold your hands and stand. The concept of putting one foot in front of the other to walk is also slowly coming to him. Too cute!

We survived our first Keep Austin Weird 5K. It really wasn't as bad as I feared. As out of shape as I am I thought I would surely pass out. I didn't - definitely need to keep walking and get healthier, but I made it. Keven did a great job and ran a lot of it. He's been working hard to get better at running. Our next attempt will probably be the Bat Run - you do the 5K and then watch all the bats fly out from under the bridge. I think that would be really cool!

I finally took Grace her 4th of July decorations. At least I got them out there before the 4th. They're hard to see in the picture but there are RWB star sprays in the 2 vases and a a RWB star garland around her stone. I like to decorate for the holidays...makes me feel better for some odd reason.

I'm excited about this weekend because our San Antonio family is coming up. It's always so good to see them!

Sure feels like more has been going on around here but I can't seem to think of anything. Been to a couple of baby showers and have several more in the next few months. Lots of bellies around. cleaning....following Camden around and picking up stuff before he gets it - my way of baby proofing...dermatologist frequently...nothing too exciting. Hope everyone has a great week and a safe 4th of July!!