Friday, November 21, 2008

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

I saw a shooting star tonight, and it made me cry. I didn't know what to wish for. That is a good thing b/c that means I have so many wonderful things in my life. But it made me sad in 2 different ways. I didn't know what to wish for because for the longest time all I wished for was a cure for SMA and for Grace to do ok and be well. I of course still want a cure for SMA. Very important. But everything I can think of that I really want can't and/or most likely never will happen. So that made me sad. And at the same time I'm not sure if I couldn't think of anything b/c I knew it didn't matter. I knew it wouldn't do me any good b/c wishing a stars doesn't work. And that made me sad. That I've lost that belief, that innocence, that faith, the youth. It made me sad. It was a pretty shooting star though. It lasted a long time and was so bright.

Camden is doing wonderfully. Really getting around now. Still not sprouting teeth...1 top one is starting to pop through but the funny thing is it isn't the middle one. It's one of the side ones - one of his incisors. We've been calling him snaggletooth. We did have our first experience with real throw up - not just some spit up. No good. Think something just bugged his tummy b/c when he was done he was done. Wouldn't have been too bad except it was about 2 AM and he did it in his crib and then rolled around in it. I know, nice picture. But he's ok and we made it through that first experience.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Just some more pics

Watch out world...he's on the move!

Can you believe he's 1!!!! He had a great birthday party. He stayed happy the whole day and did a great job. Playing, laughing, was perfect with so many friends and family here! He also started walking the next day. He is so cute when he walks. More of a drunken stumble. Too too cute!