Monday, June 8, 2009

Almost Half Way

JUNE! I can't believe the year is almost half way over. And that I haven't posted anything on here in almost 3 months.

First topic is of course Camden, who continues to amaze us daily. His speech is improving since having the tubes put in his ears. He is making a lot more sounds and trying new words. There was a plug in one of his tubes at his follow up but tests showed it wasn't hurting his hearing. We go back next week for a follow up and see if we got that plug out. He is still pulling at his ears some so hopefully everything will check out well next week.

Smiles start and end Camden's day. Besides his sister, he is the happiest child I have ever seen. He really only gets cranky when he's tired - or wants something his way. I can't imagine where he gets that from ;) He is non stop fun and laughter all day. If he has a car or a ball he is ready to go. Although, he usually prefers to have 1 in each hand, and even more if he can juggle it. Good thing Boots is one of his nicknames because he is definitely quite the monkey. Nothing stops him. Whether he is climbing up, over, under, doesn't slow him down. When I was pregnant with him we would joke about how much he moved and that he was going to move enough to make up for all the moving Grace couldn't do. He is certainly living up to that as he doesn't stop from the time he gets up until he goes to bed. And we are loving, exhaustedly, every minute of it!

Of course he's almost 2 so he has learned the word NO! He especially likes to use it when talking to the cat and dog. He is too funny! Still love the way he dances and he is discovering how to walk backwards. We recently got him a potty and are starting to introduce him to it and the idea of potty training. So far we've had results without the potty...on the driveway and the bathroom floor :) An even funnier story though...he got into one of those little tykes cars...he was turning the wheel and acting like he was driving...then he stopped, opened the door, leaned over and spit, then shut the door and started driving again. It was HILARIOUS!!! Think someones been watching daddy very closely.

He made his first trip to Sea World and had a blast! Can't wait to go back! Also the first trip to San Antonio zoo. It was hot and a lot of the animals were sleeping, but he seemed to have fun.

I could go on for days about him - so smart, cute, funny, sweet...oh and he loves to help clean up! Looks for trash just so he can throw it away. Likes to wipe the table when he's done eating. Oh and speaking of eating...he chooses fruit over french fries - this has been the only indicator that he might not be mine :) The do it myself attitude, the high frustration level, the love of sweets - those are all me to a T - but fruit before french fries? I just don't understand!

I was going to talk about Keven and I some too but as this has gotten pretty long so I'll skip us for today. We are well though - I have finished my 1st year back at teaching and Keven has started his 2 summer classes at school. Have a hot and happy summer!