Home - I forgot to mention that our house was written all over. Some kid wrote on our sidewalk, windows and garage door. How nice. Thankfully Keven was able to clean most of it and paint the garage door. They also wrote on the hood of our neighbor's car and on a house around the corner - including on their siding. Sheesh!!
Hair - I chopped my hair off. Not entirely on purpose. I did want to cut it and wanted to cut enough to donate to Locks of Love...but the lady went even shorter than that! I feel really weird without it. My face is too round and pudgy for short hair. At least it grows pretty quickly and will go to a good cause. I was hoping it would help my headaches, but no so luck yet.
HELLo August...because August is not one of my favorite months. Never has been. Probably never will be. For one it's just way to HOT!! And if you want to go back really far - we moved from Kentucky to Texas in August. I am thankful for the move now, but back then, in 4th grade, it was the worst thing ever!! August means school is starting up, so back to work. And of course Grace's Angel Day. So...here we shall start August. It does start off well though..Camden turns 9 months, our new washer/dryer are being delievered Friday, one of my best friends is having her 2nd little boy on Tuesday, we get to go to a birthday party for another friend we haven't seen in a long time and then another friend will be having her 1st born towards the end of the month. So we will try and focus on the positive and not on the August part.
Just a funny picture of my boy. He's such a
good eater - can't imagine where he gets it from ;)