Monday, January 17, 2011

A New Year

I sure don't stay on top of posting on this thing. I mean put stories of Camden for Camden...a place for me to share and let out emotions...but I just never seem to. I'm missing my girl tonight though so felt the need to come here. I miss her every night of course but feeling it a lot tonight. Just miss her. Still have regrets....guilt....anger....jealousy....not understanding....but I do have happy memories and love her with all my heart and miss her like crazy! Camden is growing up wonderfully and knows exactly who she is. I know he doesn't understand it per se, but he knows who she is.
Camden is amazing. So smart. So funny. Very caring and helpful. We have truly been blessed with 2 amazing children. He still loves baseball and is all signed up for T-ball starting in March. See, then I get on here and can't remember all his great stories. His favorite songs right now are Bad Romance by Lady Gaga, I Gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas and then several Christmas songs - Rudolph, Santa Claus is coming to town, Jingle Bells...and as we've been listening to the music for my latest show at school he's really enjoying it too. He loves music - to sing, to dance, to play...He started going to school with me in November and is doing wonderfully there and enjoying it. Everyone knows who he is and he always has a smile on his face.
We are still working on adoption...or rather waiting on it...We have done all required things and just waiting to be matched with our child. Camden is going to be such a great big brother. He loves to help, especially other children.
As usual a pretty short post...just mostly missing my girl...I need to watch some video of her but I know it'll start a crying I have to be sure there's nothing else I need to do for several hours after before I watch.
Hope everyone's 2011 is off to a good start!

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