Monday, August 2, 2010

Play Ball!

We took Camden to his first MLB game and he loved it! We went to Houston and started at the Galleria mall. He made a baseball dog at build a bear, complete with Astros uniform and his voice recorded saying GO Astros! Dinner was at Rainforest Cafe. He enjoyed seeing all the animals and the music - not so sure about the thunderstorm they had in there. Loud noises don't agree with him. The next day was the baseball game. He loved it! Couldn't wait to see the field and see them "run fast". It wa Astros vs. Reds (Keven's team vs. my team) He especially liked when they hit a homerun because the train would move across the tracks and they put fireworks on the screen. We went to a Round Rock express game and they had fireworks at then end. Now he thinks every baseball game should have fireworks. We of course indulged him in ballpark food and the people around us were so nice. We bought him a gameball for a momento of the game. He can't wait to go back and hasn't stopped playing baseball since then. Not that he stopped very frequently before that. He loves to play and loves to run the bases - usually carrying the ball. :) He likes to run and "slide" into home. We plan to let him play T-ball in the spring, hard to believe he'll be old enough, and we'll see if he's still obsessed and wanting to.

His favorite song right now is Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. He calls it the Rah Rah song. He also likes I've gotta feeling - that's the goodnight song. He loves to dance and sing them. Oh, and sings any/every word to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle. He loves music!

School starts back soon and I'm going to really miss all the time I"ve been able to spend with him. I am determined to get home earlier this year than last and spend as much time with him as possible!

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