Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Achey Breaky Heart

Not sure why it has to hurt. But it does. I miss my girl. I love her so much. She's been gone longer than she was here but it hasn't helped the pain. Camden keeps us busy..worn out most of the time. He's wonderful and I love him so much. But nothing can replace my girl or fill the hole in my heart. I love you Grace Dyan!!!!

Camden is a hoot. We just took a weekend trip up to Oklahoma. He was in his full terrible twos mode. He did pretty well considering how much we were in the car, how hot it was, and how much we did. I have to give him credit for those. But it was definitely a "driving adventure" ;)
He's a hoot. I forgot all the stories I was going to share. Perhaps another time.

Hook Em!


Anonymous said...

It was wonderful to have you all here again! Remember to send me the pictures! Camden did just fine, he's such a doll and I just LOVE him! There's not alot I can say about missing Grace, I miss her too, not the same way of course, but just know that I pray for you all nightly and you guys are never far from my thoughts. You guys are special to us, more like family, just wanted you to know!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments, Jana. Right now especially, it is nice to know that we are loved and that you guys are thinking of us. We think you guys are pretty swell too ;-).
