Monday, March 2, 2015

11th birthday

Can't believe she'd be 11 tomorrow. Seems unreal. Seems like she was never even here. I know she was though. If nothing else, the heartache is too real to ignore. I sure do miss her. Really struggling this year. Not sure why.  Can't put my thoughts into words so just some ramblings...I love you Grace and miss you more than you'll ever know. 

My heart is so full…yet feels so empty
I have so much happiness…yet too much sadness
How does it love and break at the same time?
How do I get back that which I have lost?
I know I can’t.
I know you’re always here
I know you watch from above
I’m tired of being strong
Of walking around like nothing’s wrong
Can’t do it all the time
It isn’t fair. It isn’t right.
Yet I am too blessed to have a right to complain
So much to be thankful for
But it doesn’t replace you
Nothing ever could
There are no words, only heartache